Anthem of the day:
Said goodbye to New Orleans on this deceptively eventful day. Rode through downtown New Orleans and past Loyola to get on the Mississippi River bike path. Got to see some of the New Orleans mansions around Loyola and all the college students out in the park. It was definitely jarring to see people outside at college coming from RPI where January is usually a month for hibernation. The winding Mississippi River bike path took me past some massive petroleum refineries and grain processing plants, then I hopped off the trail to get to the only lodging in that area, the Troxie motel. To get to the Troxie motel you simply take Main Road through LaPlace.

After dragging my bike through mud and swamp for half an hour I got back to pavement and made it to the motel. On the bright side the swamp made for good sunset viewing conditions.

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